Micheals life

Created by lisa 9 years ago
On 1st march 1999 my family went to micheals grave I couldn't believe how tidy the grave was kept Michael only has a small pot with his name and age and the date he died it still looks very nice I said to micheal hello son I am here it did feel peaceful being there I like too think micheal was saying well done mum I knew that u could do it we put flowers on the grave with my bought on top because the flowers looked so pretty with. The peach ribbon I knelt down to have my photograph taken I whispered to micheal I love you micheal with all my heart I will never forget u then I went to Debbie grave and I said look after micheal for me then I said goodbye to micheal I promise to come again then children lee Daniel Claire and lisa said sleep tight micheal Herbert said love u micheal then we got into the car and went home when we arrived I went into kitchen and cried my eyes out I wished he were still with me I know he is in my heart My story appeared in chat magazine in April and I ordered 4 copies to send to compassionate friends the picture looked very nice I cried agian when I read my story a lady called pat worte to me said it was a Nices story